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KSIgune has selected 10 new projects with the call Connections
ksiGuneThe transfer between Higher and University Education and the cultural and creative sectors in the Basque Country continues to grow thanks to a new collaboration between 10 educational and/or research…
Articulating the Euroregional Audiovisual Ecosystem
ksiGuneThe Euroregional Green Audiovisual Hub brought together the delegations of New Aquitaine, the Basque Country and Navarre in Angoulême for a first meeting to open up avenues of cooperation between the…
Ruth Mayoral: “We aspire to be able to offer a unique response to certain challenges in the Euroregional Audiovisual ecosystem”
ksiGuneRuth Mayoral, Head of Higher Education Programmes at Euskampus Fundazioa and Operational Manager of KSIgune, shares the keys to the Euroregional project that aims to boost the audiovisual sector in…
KSIgune is the first Regional Skills Partneship in CCIs recognised by the European Commission.
Learn about Higher Education + CCIs cooperation projects in the Basque Country.
Good practices, conclusions and articles about the present and future of education in culture and creativity.
KsiGune Knowledge Hub for Cultural and Creative Industries
It was set up as a strategic tool to pursue measures in the fields of education, research, innovation of Hight Education entities related to the needs of the Cultural and Creative Sector.
A total of 20 Faculties and Schools of 4 Universities and 6 Higher Education and Training Centres offer Cultural and Creative Industries studies in the Basque Country.
125 Training Capacities in Cultural and Creative Industries identified in Basque Higher Education
57 Research Capacities in Cultural and Creative Industries identified
8 Transfer Capacities in Cultural and Creative Industries identified
Training, Research and Transfer in 6 cultural subsectors
Training, Research and Transfer in 8 creative subsectors