Interior design of the Intergenerational Cohousing in La Merced


Final degree work


Josu Ayerbe Guarás


IDarte , Escuela de Arte y Superior de Diseño de Euskadi


ISEA S. Coop




This project seeks to contribute to social transition, in the areas of healthy ageing and new housing options for the elderly and young people, from the field of design and architecture.

The project is aimed at carrying out the interior design of the flats, the common areas and the areas open to the general public of the “Intergenerational Cohousing in La Merced”.

The aim is to develop a new “care model for older people”, to be implemented in the context of an intergenerational cohousing practice adapted to the social changes posed by the extreme levels of ageing in Mondragón, and the demand for housing for the senior population and young people, where a generation of intergenerational services for residents would be linked, making it possible to create environments and spaces that are conducive to the life and development of older people in a context of inclusivity and empowerment.


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Estudiantes de IDarte con personas mayores del centro